Monday, June 8, 2009

My MRSA Staph infection - Part One

I'll start at the very beginning. For the Memorial day weekend my friends and I went to the Guadalupe River and Canyon Lake. We floated down the river on Saturday and relaxed at the lake on Sunday. I headed back home on Monday morning. Monday morning I noticed a small bite that resembled a mosquito bite, it itched so much I thought I was going to go crazy. By Tuesday that small bite began to look like a spider bite. It had the tiny black spot in the center with a dark red ring around it and then a pink ring around that. At this time the bite was the size of a quarter. When I awoke on Wednesday I noticed the "bite" had doubled in size. It was the size of a half dollar piece, warm to the touch and was starting to hurt when I walked. I was alarmed at how much it had grown and decided to make an appointment with my doctor. The appointment was scheduled for Thursday at 3pm. When I went in for my appointment at 3pm this is what it looked like (see pic). It again had doubled in size and the pain was even worse. I had to walk with a slight limp due to the pain. It was about the size of a tennis ball width wise. The center of the infection was very hard and painful. The skin was inflamed and irritated it was slightly raised above the area that was not affected. My doctor came in and immediately told me I had a staph infection. She said she would need to lance it and get a culture to make sure it is not the MRSA virus. I have to say that the numbing shot was excruciatingly painful. But once it was numb I was good to go. She opened the staph so it could drain and told me to keep the incision open but covered with gauze so I don't spread the virus. I left her office with the advice to call if there are any problems. She would call me with the results of the culture on Monday.
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