Monday, June 8, 2009

My MRSA Staph infection - Part Two

Before my doctor bandaged the wound she showed me how to clean and care for it. I was told only soap and water, no neosporin or peroxide. It looked like some one stabbed me with a pencil. I had a whole in my leg it looked pretty crazy. The first two pictures on the left are what it looked like when I got home from the doctors. I had gone to the pharmacy and to grab something to eat and went home. I was shocked to see that the whole was already closed. She told me to keep it open to drain it. I called her office and told her that the hole was closed she told me to soak in warm/hot water and then work it open. So i got in the tub and soaked it, I think the water was too hot and I was in too much pain, I started to get very woozy. I called for my sister, she helped me out of the tub I was ghost white, I immediately laid down. She called my doctor and told her what happened. My doctor stated the pain was too great and that is what made me feel so bad. She said to leave it alone and come back and see her tomorrow.

I arrived at the appointment and told her of a new found lump under my armpit. She felt it and stated that this too was staph. She was hoping the medicine would treat it before it came up as a boil. I then brought her attention to the main problem ... she stated we would have to lance it again and that she would need to put gauze inside it to keep it open. WOW this did not sound fun! I was right this hurt so bad!!! When I walked I could feel the pressure of the gauze inside my wound. I eventually got used to limping everywhere. The 3rd picture is the gauze sticking out of the staph infection.

While at this appointment I found out that I did have the MRSA Staph infection she added some prescriptions and told me to make sure and finish them.
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